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It is the last week for Canadians to make contributions into their RRSP to take advantage of the tax-deduction for 2007.  I myself have received numerous calls from my financial advisor reminding me to top-up my contributions for 2007 and letters indicating that my advisors will be available until the wee hours of the night to help me should I decide to add more to my investment plan.  It makes me wonder, how many Canadian small business owners would put more into the RRSP each year if they could free up the extra money?  Are they spent?

Financial advisors tend to focus on the after-tax money available to invest as opposed to looking at ways to free-up pre-tax dollars as a tool for investing.  For many small business owners, the HSA is an unknown option.  Each year, they take a few of their after-tax receipts and make a claim for the medical tax credit.  A nice gesture from the federal government to reimburse for medical expenses but certainly not enough to give someone more money to invest.  The reality is that if they had a Health Spending Account, they could be using the tax-savings to re-invest into their retirement plan.

Each year, some financial advisors look for ways their small business clients can contribute more without giving them any real options to free-up the funds to do it.  To all my readers out there who are financial advisors with small business clients…get them an HSA today!  Show them how they can make their current after-tax expenses into pre-tax business deductions.  Show them how this will impact their taxable earnings and how they can use the savings to re-invest in their RRSP!  Given the economic conditions and the tough time your clients have had this year, this is a great way to show them how resourceful you are in finding ways to build wealth for them using a readily available and sensible solution – the HSA.

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May 2024