I can’t believe I forgot yet another Tax Freedom Day. I am so busy this time of year. I didn’t even get my Happy Tax Freedom Day cards out into the mail until last night. What an embarrassment.

But yes, Tax Freedom Day was last week, June 14th to be exact. Virtually every Canadian added some extra cash to their pay cheque as of June 14th and to be honest, it could not have come at a better time. It costs $100.00 to fill my car each week and the price of food (based on the price of corn) continues to climb along side.

I think Tax Freedom Day will always be a bit of a second-rate holiday for people like me. While it is an important day for most Canadians, it holds little importance for HSA owners. After all, they already enjoy a greater degree of tax freedom when it comes to their medical expenses. When an individual business owner experiences savings of $5,000-$10,000 a year for their high-cost medical expenses through an HSA, you can understand why Tax Freedom Day is a bit over-rated. After all, an additional $150.00 in their pocket from mid-June to December isn’t going to change the world. They have turned Tax Freedom Day into a year-long event. Sort of like those neighbors who leave their Christmas lights up all year long…because they can’t get enough of the holidays I suppose.

But I am always looking for a reason to celebrate and even though I missed the official date, I still have 30 people coming over on Saturday for a Tax Freedom Day BBQ. You know, the kind where you drink lower-taxed domestic beer versus imports and play games like “pin the tail on the finance minister”. That reminds me, I need to order my dollar-shaped cake for the party!

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